Instant Admin Panels for PostgreSQL

Building admin panels is always neglected in favor of user-facing features. But when it only takes seconds, you don't have to choose between your team and your users.

Flashboard internal screenshot

Save hours and hours of writing one-off SQL queries

No matter how robust your custom apps and admin panels are, there are always tasks they don't cover yet. You're consistently interrupted by the business team to investigate issues and make one-off updates. Flashboard is the admin panel for when your existing tools fall short.

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Zero bloat
We had enough of bloated no-code admin panel builders. We tried to use them all, but they had so much junk we didn't need! Flashboard does less, better.
Made for PostgreSQL
Search inside JSON columns, navigate between tables with foreign keys, and more! The more you take advantage of PostgreSQL, the better your Flashboard experience.
Secure credentials
Your database credentials are encrypted with a key only you own. Even our team can't access them, let alone potential attackers.
Decide what to add
Most visual database tools give read-and-write access to all your data and schemas. With Flashboard, you decide what to add at each step — down to the column.
Safe for non-technical peers
Our intuitive UX empowers non-technical users to excel. Since you configure what they can see and do, there's minimal room for mistakes.
Customize for each team
Create tailored panels for each team, like customer support, product managers, developers, and data analysts.

Requests from the business team always require some digging. They tell me the name of a customer they need to change, but to make the update with SQL, I need to know the id. With Flashboard, I don't need to go back and forth; I can search by the client's name and get it done right there.

Testimonial's author, Guilherme Guerra
Guilherme Guerra